The Google Docs Replacement for Ambitious Writing
Are you writing with depth and consideration? ButterDocs is your word processor: Develop your ideas, structure your work, write without distraction and collaborate without friction—all in one harmonious app, with or without AI assistance.

for Students & Academics
Connect Zotero and streamline your research
Import from Zotero
AI Research Assistant
Built-in notetaking
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for Lawyers
Leave redline chaos behind and collaborate with ease
Import from Zotero
AI Research Assistant
Built-in notetaking
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for Content Writers
Store your client notes with your documents and write in privacy
Import from Zotero
AI Research Assistant
Built-in notetaking
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for Content Marketing Teams
Know who does what and enable your team with templates
Import from Zotero
AI Research Assistant
Built-in notetaking
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for Fiction Writers
Build your world before you write
Import from Zotero
AI Research Assistant
Built-in notetaking
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for Everybody else
Enjoy writing tools designed for your specific workflow
Your notes, research, outline, and writing are now in one easy-to-use tool.
The only writing environment built for collaboration, productivity, and a more joyful writing experience.
Try it for free

What writers, editors, and teams think so far
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ButterDocs is an absolute game-changer for me and my workflow. I can't really imagine my writing life without it now.

Alexander Boswell
–––– Content Writer

Erica Schneider
–––– Content editor & coach
When they walked me through their product I was honestly floored.
Content Strategists
I think we're going to see tons of writers using ButterDocs in the upcoming years.

Alice Lemée
–––– Ghostwriter

John Bonini
–––– Content Strategist
I think ButterDocs is the one writing tool that’s come closest to mimicking my real-life, often messy, writing process.
Content Strategists

Masooma Memon
–––– Content Writer
I think ButterDocs is the one writing tool that’s come closest to mimicking my real-life.
I love how you can organize your draft in "blocks" and then rearrange and write within those sections. It makes outlining a literal pleasure.

Michael Galvan
–––– Marketer

Linsey Knerl
–––– Content Writer
I love this tool, and I'm signing up for the paid version.
ButterDocs is a great tool, especially if you co-write projects or work with multiple editors. The team is also adding new features all of the time.

Dianna Gunn
–––– Content Writer
ButterDocs You've impressed me within a minute of loading the app. Nice work! 👏

Hassan Ud-deen
–––– Content Writer

Jay Acunzo
–––– Content strategist
Thank you, ButterDocs, for improving my workflow and caring about QUALITY.
Content Strategists
I thought you'd have to pry Google Docs out of my cold, dead hands...but ButterDocs might be convincing me otherwise. And that's saying something ^ because I am a pretty slow adopter to new tech.

Grace Baldwin
–––– Ghostwriter

Jimmy Daly
–––– Content Marketer
This is a really cool product. I'm very excited about it.
ButterDocs is one of the best tools I’ve come across in the past year 👏🏼

Mina Mesbahi
–––– Content Strategist
Content Strategists